Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dirty Old Town

Each family has their song (or at least should) that's been sung over and over again. It may have once been catchy or it may be cheesy, but the family will not give up the ship and continue singing the song as long as they can.

In the case of my Dad's side, we sing "Dirty Old Town" by The Pouges. They sing it loud, off key, and into the weary hours of the night. So much, that I know the whole song by heart and even when I'm annoyed I'll find myself humming it.

I met my love by the gas works wall
Dreamed a dream by the old canal
I Kissed my girl by the factory wall
Dirty old town
Dirty old town

You may hate the song or love it, but the fact that everyone sings it makes it special and I like that.


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