Thursday, March 28, 2013

Five Things

I've been tagged by Rebecca from Life with rMe to do the five things tag where I share 5 random facts about myself with you all. Now I know that this one is very similar to the liebster award so you can check out a few other facts I've shared here. I definitely had to take a brainstorm shower to figure out a few of these.

"Hello, I'm Shannon"

1. Last night I stayed awake trying to understand Amanda Bynes's mind circa 2013. This proved difficult.

2. I workout practically everyday and have lost five pounds so far. I'm loosing more inches than pounds so I guess I'm building muscle?

3. I have played a French conversationalist, a talking mad cow, an escapist Gorilla, a rapping bird, a sad reindeer, a scheming producer, a pro-yiddish speaking grandmother, and a skyscraper in my years of Destination Imagination from 2002-2010. I hope to become a team manager or appraiser for DI next year because creative problem solving has always been a big part of my life.

4. I am graduating a semester early. You heard that right, I'm graduating in the Fall of 2013. My last classes will be The Renaissance: The Age of Elizabeth, Eco Poetry, Playwriting, and Applied Data Analysis.

5. I absolutely love Maryland. I love the strange weather, the chesapeake bay, the beach, the history, and of course the blue crabs. I'll miss this when I get married and move away.

Now I will tag:
Bailey of Becoming Bailey
Emily of Blue Dog Belle
Shelby of Chasing Birdies
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  1. DestiNation ImagiNation sprung from Odyssey of the Mind in 1999.

  2. Amanda Bynes has lost her mind haha!

  3. Amanda Bynes is CRAZY!! She looks like a trashy rap video girl and I just don't get it.

  4. #4 And you're LEAVING me!!!

    At least we'll have the Renaissance together before you go...

  5. These are hilarious. Following you back :)

  6. Hi Shannon! New follower and fellow Navy Wife! I am so glad to have stumbled across your blog and can't wait to read more! I also am at a loss for words with Amanda Bynes. I was always a big fan back from her days on All That.
