Thursday, November 17, 2011


I've never had a big sister growing up to help guide me with make-up since I started wearing make-up in 8th grade. I've made lots of attempts over the years, but each year I sort of figure out a new way of doing my make-up. I have to thank my best friend, Katie, for most of my make-up knowledge and a great push towards MAC. Here's what I wear on a normal day, I normally stay pretty natural.
I have such a hard time with eyeliner. It never stays on my eyes long enough. So I use this angle brush that Katie gave to me. It is amazing. All I have to do is use my eyeshadow as eyeliner with this. It stays longer too. Here's another angle brush.

I use these brushes for the other eyeshadow part. It's super useful unlike those eyeshadow brushes that come in the case. Don't use the mascara though. It's a pain to get off, stings your eyes, and doesn't actually do anything for you.

 This is the eyeshadow I use. I only use the eyeshadow, but am really hoping to switch to MAC eyeshadow after Christmas.
I really like the MAC Opulash Mascara. It curls my eyelashes pretty well.
I use MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural and it's pretty cool. I just need a powder brush to put it on though.
Sometimes if I'm feeling it I'll put on MAC Lipstick - Syrup. But most of the times it's carmax lip balm.

I'm always open to make up advice too. If you know any cool things tell me!

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