Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Social

Yesterday's post on Blog Goals has really helped me get the blog engine in my head running. All the comments from yesterday were super helpful. I found some new military blogs to follow as well as two new linkups to join, like this one Sunday Social from Ashley and Neely. With this I'll be able to connect with other bloggers and answer a few questions weekly.

1. What is your ideal way to relax?
I paint my nails (right now I'm rocking Essie's A-list), put on a mindless and shameless show (Bravo or TLC), and skim through magazines.

2. Where is your favorite place to be?
Now this will get three answers because all are true. First, is Ireland. It's been a month now since I've left and I miss the scenery and the nightlife so bad. Second, is where I am now--my room wherever that is (home or dorm.) I am a mix of an extrovert/introvert where I love to be around people, but definitely need my time to recharge by myself. And lastly, I'd just love to be in Pensacola again with Gerred or really anywhere I can see him face to face.

3. Who do you consider your biggest role model?
I talked about this with my cousin, Kacie, yesterday. "Who is your role model?" "I'd Say Marilyn Monroe because she's a sex bomb" "Well I'd have to go with Nancy Drew" "Of course" See, I just think Nancy Drew is like the number one role model. She's independent, clever, and courageous

4. What does your life look like in 3 years?
I'll be married to Gerred by then. It's crazy to think that by the time I'm 23 I'll already be married. Wow, that's when I'm going to be really learning what it's like to be a military wife. Also, I'll probably have a legit job by then if the job market is kind.

5. If you could go back and change one decision, what would it be?
I don't really believe in the whole "if only" thing. Dwelling can be bad, but I'd probably just go with the "I wish I tried harder in high school" thing. But you know I didn't do half bad and I got into college.

6. What is your biggest accomplishment in life so far?
Whoa, hmm biggest accomplishment academically was winning the Sophie Kerr Scholarship as an entering freshman at Washington College. My other biggest accomplishment (that I would rank higher than academics) was making it through a wonderful semester abroad on my own where I took risks and learned more than I ever thought I would.

Go ahead and answer these as well with Social Sunday. I'd love to see your answers.



  1. Painting my nails is definitely one of my favorite ways to relax. Just did mine last night, actually!

  2. I love painting my nails, I did the yesterday and it was so nice. :) Haven't done them in a really long time. :) Have a great Sunday!

  3. I think Sunday Social is a great way to find new blogs, so I hope you're having fun with it! I don't always write out a post, like this week, but still love going through the link-up to discover new blogs

  4. You have a nice blog here. I can't wait to read more. I love connecting with our military spouses.
