Thursday, March 20, 2014

Old Navy Anchors

This week a girl came into work to return a camera and she wore the most adorable anchor pants I'd seen. I had to know where she got them. She said they were from Old Navy. Really? I had to look immediately and found there were a ton of cute nautical items out for spring.
Women's Hooded Jersey-Lined Raincoat

Happy first day of Spring!
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  1. I bought a really cute anchor shirt from old navy! :)

  2. I'm way late here but I need ALL of those!

  3. Going to graduate school was a positive decision for me. I enjoyed the coursework, the presentations, the fellow students, and the professors. And since my company reimbursed 100% of the tuition, the only cost that I had to pay on my own was for books and supplies. Otherwise, I received a free master’s degree. All that I had to invest was my time. Navy seal helicopter
